Oxford Symposium on Quantum Materials 2012

Wolfson College, Oxford 18 April 2012


Quantum phenomena driven by the discovery of new materials

8.45-9.05 am Registration and coffee, posters displayed


9.05-9.15 Paolo Radaelli, Oxford Physics
Introduction to Oxford Quantum Materials and its facilities

9.15-10.00 Paul Canfield(link is external), Ames Laboratory, USA
Assembling, understanding, and auguring phase diagrams for Fe-based superconductivity

10.00-10:30 Simon Clarke(link is external), Oxford Chemistry
Magnetism, superconductivity and chemistry of layered non-oxide solids

10.30-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-11.25 Prabhakaran Dharmalingam, Oxford Physics
Crystal growth at Oxford Physics using floating zone

11.25-11.50 Michael Hayward(link is external), Oxford Chemistry
Low-temperature topochemical reduction as a route to novel electronic materials

11.50-12.00 Thorsten Hesjedal, Oxford Physics
Thin film growth using Molecular Beam Epitaxy

12.00-2pm Lunch and Posters


2.00-2.20 Nic Shannon, Oxford Physics
Quantum Ice

2.20-2.35S. Choi, Oxford Physics
Spin waves and revised crystal structure of honeycomb iridate Na2IrO3

2.35-2.50 Saman Ghannadzadeh, Oxford Physics
Controlling Magnetic Dimensionality with Applied Pressure

2.50-3.10 Barbara Montanari(link is external), Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Half-metallicity in the ferrimagnet Nb(TCNE)2 from first principles

3.10pm-4.00pm Coffee break

Quantum information

4.00-4.20 A. Ardavan, Oxford Physics
Quantum information processing using electron spins in condensed matter

4.20-4.40 Victor Petrashov(link is external), Royal Holloway, University of London
Real Time Read-out of Metastable States in a Superconducting Flux Qubit

Multiferroics and superconductivity

4.40-4.55Katie Doig
Time-resolved optical pump-probe spectroscopy of undoped and Dy-doped BiFeO3 multiferroic thin films

4.55-5.10 Roger Johnson
Homochiral domains in BiFeO3

5.10-5.25 Timur Kim(link is external), Diamond Light Source
Conventional superconductivity in SrPd2Ge2

5.25-5.40pm Closing remarks and collection of posters

After meeting chats
6-7.00 pm Royal Oak Pub (Woodstock Road)

7.00 pm Group dinner
10 Little Clarendon Street
Oxford, OX1 2HP
Party Menu

This meeting is sponsored by the EPSRC grant: EP/I017836/1(link is external)
(dinner and drinks not included)