Programme Layout

osqm 2022 photo

Thursday 22 September 2022


A. Model Systems

8:15-8:45 am Registration and coffee, posters displayed

8:45-9:00 Paolo Radaelli , Oxford Physics
Welcome and updates on Oxford Quantum Materials

9:00-9.30 Clifford Hicks, University of Birmingham

The stress-strain relationship of Sr2RuO4

9:30-10:00 Geetha Balakrishnan, University of Warwick

Crystal Growth and investigations of magnetic skyrmion materials

10:00-10:30 Paolo Radaelli, Oxford Physics

Topological textures in oxide heterostructures

10:30-11:00 Coffee break


B. Synthesis of novel materials

­­11:00-11:30 Mike Hayward, Oxford Chemistry

Topochemical methods for the preparation of Quantum Materials

11.30-12:00 Jamie Neilson, Colorado State University

Excitons and Entropy in Hybrid Halide Semiconductors

12:00-12:30 Hiroshi Kageyama, Kyoto University

Bismuth and antimony based oxyhalides for catalytic applications


12:30-14:00 Lunch Somerville College / Posters Martin Wood and Beecroft foyer


C. Magnetism

­­14:00-14:15 Leonie Woodland, Oxford Physics

Tuning the confinement potential of spinons in an Ising chain using magnetic fields

14:15-14:30 Jack Ballard, Oxford Physics

Reflectivity ferromagnetic resonance (RFMR) for layer-resolved dynamic study of multi-layered systems

14:30-14:45 Kylie MacFarquharson, Oxford Physics

Non-collinear magnetic order in honeycomb Na2PrO3 revealed by single crystal torque measurements

14:45-15:00 Niccolo Fontana, Oxford Physics

Characterization of the Spin-electric Coupling of Gd3+ Ions in GdW10 Molecular Nanomagnets

15:00-15:15 Nicola Kelly, Oxford Chemistry

New layered vanadium oxychalcogenides

15:15-16:00 pm Coffee break


D. Superconductivity

16:00-16:15 Shuqiu Wang, Oxford Physics

Visualizing Intra-unit-cell Orbital Ordering in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x

16:15-16:30 Susie Speller, Oxford Materials

Understanding radiation damage in high temperature superconductors using X-ray absorption spectroscopy

16:30-16.45 Étienne Lantagne-Hurtubise, California Institute of Technology

Spin-orbit enhanced superconductivity in Bernal bilayer graphene

16:45-17:00 Shane O'Mahony, University College Cork

On the Electron Pairing Mechanism of Copper-Oxide High Temperature Superconductivity

17:00-18:30pm Poster session and Drinks


Quantum Materials Public Lecture

18:30-19.30 Seamus Davis, Oxford Physics

Macroscopic Quantum Physics   (please register here)

Friday 23 September 2022


E. Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Matter

9:00-9:30 Claudio Castelnovo, University of Cambridge

Dynamical fractal and anomalous noise in clean magnetic crystal

­­9:30-10.00 Nick Bultinck, Oxford Physics

Strong interaction physics in synthetic superlattices

10.00-10:20 Anirudh Chandrasekaran, Loughborough University

Flat bands and higher order van Hove singularities: the example of strontium ruthenates


10:20-11:20 Coffee break and Posters


F. Magnetism and spin effects

11:20-11:40 Safeer Chenattukuzhiyil, Oxford Physics

Spin Hall effect in proximitized graphene

11:40-12.00 Lapo Bogani, Oxford Materials

Quantum spin states in atomically-precise graphene

12.00-12:40 Steve Blundell, Oxford Physics

The quantum muon

12:40 – 13:00 Amalia Coldea, Oxford Physics

Extreme conditions for exploring Quantum Matter and ISABEL access


13:00 The end of the symposium.






Ludmila Babicova

Oxford Chemistry

Tuning magnetism and superconductivity in layered nickel- and cobalt-based chalcogenides

Pascal Manuel

ISIS Neutron & Muon source

Neutron diffraction studies of (uniaxial) pressure tuned magnetic systems

Alex Gee

Oxford Materials

Exceptionally-clean Single-Electron-Transistors from Solutions of Molecular Graphene Nanoribbons

Katherine Steele

Oxford Chemistry

The effects of alkali metal intercalation on the structure and superconductivity of Niobium Selenide

Paul Davis

Oxford Chemistry

Topochemical Synthesis and Properties of Low-Valent Early Transition Metal Oxides

Mikhail Vaganov

Oxford Physics

Linear electric field effect in Mn(II) trigonal bipyramidal complexes

Zhilin Liang

Oxford Chemistry

Topochemical reduction of Ru-containing perovskite

Joshua Bibby

Oxford Physics

Quantum phenomena driven by spin-orbit interactions in nanocrystalline topological insulators

Angadjit Singh

University of Oxford

Electrical Transport in Cd3As2 Dirac Semi-metal Nanowires

Emily Heppell

Oxford Physics

Ferrimagnetic [Co1-xTbx/Pt]n multilayers with bulk perpendicular magnetic anisotropy for spintronic applications

Tobias Chatfield

Oxford Physics

A tunnel diode oscillator study of an iron-based superconductor under pressure

Siobhan Tobin

Oxford Physics

Magnetic structure and spin waves of the doped cobalt oxide  La2-xBaxCoO4

Anuradha Vibhakar

Diamond Light Source

Magnetic Scattering at the I16 Beamline: Highlights and Progress

Dan Porter

Diamond Light Source

Guiding antiferromagnetic transitions Ca2RuO4

Archie Morfoot

Oxford Physics

The nematic electronic phase of FeSe1-xTex explored via angle-resolved photoemission

James Murrell

Oxford Chemistry

Synthesis and magnetic properties of topochemically reduced Ruddlesden-Popper phases containing 5d transition metals

Shinichi Sunami

Oxford Physics

Probing Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of 2D Quantum Gases via Matter-Wave Interferometry

Ylias Sadki

Oxford Physics

Mapping Fermi surfaces with quantum oscillations

Zachary Zajicek

Oxford Physics

The effects of Cu substitution on superconductivity of FeSe tuned by applied pressure

Radu Coldea

Oxford Physics

Quantum effects in the spin dynamics of a spin-1/2 near-Heisenberg triangular antiferromagnet

George Gill

Oxford Physics

Data Analysis For µSR Experiments with Negative Muons

Hank Wu

Oxford Physics

A wolf in sheep’s clothing? Muon-induced magnetism in quantum spin ice

Caitlin Walsh


Royal Holloway University of London

Prediction of anomalies in the velocity of sound for the pseudogap of hole-doped cuprates