8.30-9am Registration and coffee, posters displayed
Frustrated magnetism
9.00-9.30 Francis Pratt, ISIS
Magnetic and non-magnetic phases of a quantum spin liquid(link is external)
9.30-9.50 Isabel Franke, Oxford Physics(link is external)
Probing quantum magnetism using coordination polymers and pulsed magnetic fields
9.50-10.10 Andrew Goodwin, Oxford Chemistry(link is external)
Empirical structure "solution" of frustrated spin systems
10.10-10.40 Coffee break
Multiferroics, Stripes and Charge Order
10.40-11.00 Alexander Hearmon, Oxford Physics
Helical scattering signatures of strain and electronic textures in YbFe2O4
11.00-11.20 Ivelisse M Cabrera, Oxford Physics
Polarized Neutron Scattering Studies of Multiferroic Ni3V2O8(link is external)
11.20-11.50 Andrew Boothroyd, Oxford Physics
An hour-glass magnetic spectrum in an insulating, hole-doped antiferromagnet(link is external)
11.50-12.05 Lucian Pascut, Oxford Physics - Direct Observation of Charge Order in Triangular Metallic AgNiO2 by Single-Crystal Resonant X-Ray Scattering(link is external)
12.05-2pm Lunch and Posters
2-2.20 Fiona Burnell, Oxford Physics
Phase transitions in topologically ordered systems(link is external)
2.20-2.40 A. N. Kolmogorov, Oxford Materials - New Superconducting and Semiconducting Fe-B Compounds Predicted with an Ab Initio Evolutionary Search(link is external)
2.40-3.05 Igor Mazin, USA - Iron pnictides superconductors - overview on the current status
3.05-3.15 Andrew Briggs, Oxford Materials(link is external) - Nanomaterials for quantum information processing
3.15pm-3.30pm Coffee break
3.30-3.45 Jack Wright, Oxford Physics(link is external)
Interplay of superconducting, magnetic and structural order parameters
in NaFe_1-xCo_xAs
3.45-4.00 P. Babkevich, Oxford Physics(link is external)
Magnetic resonances in Fe(Se,Te) superconductors
4.00-4.15 S. Speller, Oxford Materials(link is external)
Local microstructural variations in thin film and single-crystal FeySe1-xTex
4.15-4.30 Harry Fisher, Oxford Materials(link is external)
The role of the dopant on the magnetic phase diagram of LaO(1-x)FxFeAs
4.30-4.50 Timur Kim, Diamond(link is external)
ARPES studies of unconventional superconductors
4.50-5pm Closing remarks and collection of posters
After meeting chats
5.30pm Royal Oak Pub(link is external) (Woodstock Road)
7pm Bombay restaurant (link is external)
(please confirm your availability by emailing "amalia.coldea at physics.ox.ac.uk")
This meeting is sponsored by the EPSRC grant: EP/I017836/1