Oxford Symposium on Quantum Materials 2016

Somerville College, 29 April 2016


Quantum matter at nanoscale

8.40-9.00 am Registration and coffee, posters displayed

9.00-9.10 Paolo Radaelli, Oxford Physics
Welcome and updates on the last year‘s achievements

9.10-9.40 Andreas Heinrich, IBM Research
Electron Spin Resonance of single atoms on a surface

9.40-10:20 Philip Moll, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids From Dust to Devices: Focused Ion Beam Microfabrication in Quantum Matter Research

10.20-10.50 Peter Wahl, St Andrews University
Between nematic and magnetic order: An atomic scale view on superconductivity in the iron chalcogenides

10.50-11:10 Coffee break

Phenomena at Surfaces

11.10-11:25 Shilei Zhang, Oxford Physics
Strange skyrmions on the surface

11:25-11:40 Zohar Ringel, Oxford Physics
Sharp correlations in the ARPES spectra of strongly disordered topological boundary modes

11.40-11.55 Yulin Chen, Oxford Physics
Fermi arcs of different Weyl families

11.55-12:10 Pavel Dudin, Diamond Light Source
nanoARPES facility at Diamond Light Source

12.10-2pm Lunch and Posters



2.00-2.30 Assa Auerbach, Technion Israel
The Higgs/amplitude mode in disordered superconductors and quantum solids

2.30-2.45 Christoph Heil, Oxford Materials
Bonding and electron-phonon interaction in high-Tc hydrides

2.45-3:00 Nathaniel Davies, Oxford Physics
Commensurate Lattice Distortion in Layered Titanium Oxypnictides Determined by X-ray Diffraction

3:00-3:15 Susannah Speller, Oxford Materials
Spectromicroscopy of alkali metal doped iron selenide single crystals

Magnetism and Structure

3.15-3.30 Stephanie Williams, Oxford Physics
Incommensurate counter-rotating magnetic order in a layered honeycomb iridate stabilised by frustration from spin-orbit coupling

3.30-3.45 Franz Lang, Oxford Physics
Novel magnetism on a honeycomb lattice in alpha–RuCl3 studied by muon spin rotation

3.45-4.00 Mark Senn, Oxford Chemistry
Emergence of long-range order in BaTiO3 from local symmetry-breaking distortions

4.00-4.20pm Coffee break

Perovskite Solar cells, Dirac materials and more Superconductors

4.20-4.35 Amir Abbas Haghighirad, Oxford Physics
An introduction to perovskite solar cells

4.35-4.50 Martin Schlipf, Oxford Materials
A model Hamiltonian for perovskite solar cells

4.50-5.05 Niels Schroeter, Oxford Physics
The electronic structure of Germanene - a novel quantum spin hall insulator

5.05-5.20 Jonathon Riley, St Andrews and Diamond Light Source
Negative Electronic Compressibility and Tuneable Spin-Splitting in WSe2

5.20-5.35 Franziska Kirschner, Oxford Physics
Superconductivity in FeS

5.35-5.50 Thomas Scaffidi, Oxford Physics
Is Sr2RuO4 a chiral p-wave superconductor? Insights from edge currents and uniaxial strain

5.50-6.00pm Closing remarks and collection of posters
After meeting chats