Oxford Symposium on Quantum Materials 2015

Somerville College, 1 May 2015

Frontiers in unconventional superconductivity and magnetism

osqm2015 photo

8.40-9.00 am Registration and coffee, posters displayed

9.00-9.10 Paolo Radaelli, Oxford Physics
Welcome and updates on the last year‘s achievements

Superconductivity of FeSe

9.10-9.40 Takasada Shibauchi, Tokyo University
BCS-BEC crossover physics in iron-based superconductors

9.40-10:00 Matthew Watson, Oxford Physics
Emergence of the nematic electronic state in FeSe

10.00-10.15 Marein Rahn, Oxford Physics
Strong (pi,0) spin fluctuations in beta-FeSe observed by neutron spectroscopy

10.15-10.30 Francesca Foronda, Oxford Physics
Enhancement of superconductivity in FeSe by intercalation of Sr ions

10.30-10.50 Coffee break

Superconductivity II

10.50-11.05 Simon J Clarke, Oxford Chemistry
Controlling superconductivity in iron selenides

11.05-11.25 Giovanni Sordi, Royal Holloway University of London
Remnant of the first-order Mott transition at finite doping as an organizing principle for strongly correlated superconductors

11.25-11.45 Moritz Hoesch, Diamond Light Source
Fermi surface mapping and pseudo-gap of quasi- one-dimensional Tl2Mo6Se6

11.45-12.05 Ziad Melhem, Oxford Instruments
Superconducting magnets and cryogenic environments for Nanotechnology Applications

12.05-2pm Lunch and Posters


Magnetism I

2.00-2.20 John Chalker, Oxford Physics
Correlations and fluctuations in frustrated stacked triangular lattice Ising systems

2.20-2.40 Roger Johnson, Oxford Physics
The magnetic Structure of Hyper-honeycomb beta-Li2IrO3: Beyond the Heisenberg Model

2.40-2.55 Jordan Thompson, Oxford Physics
Field dependence of the spin dynamics and heat capacity in the frustrated pyrochlore Yb2Ti2O7

Correlated electronic systems

2.55-3.15 Jaime Merino, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Interplay of charge ordering phenomena and Hund's coupling in triangular lattice transition metal oxides

3.15-3.45 Alberto de la Torre, University of Geneva
Doping evolution of the pseudospin-1/2 antiferromagnets Sr2IrO4 and Sr3Ir2O7 from ARPES

3.45-4.05 Steve Lovesey, ISIS
Ferro-type order of magneto-electric quadrupoles inferred from experimental results on the pseudo-gap phase of YBa2Cu3O6+x

4.05-4.25pm Coffee break

Oxides, Spins and Majoranas

4.25-4.40 Noah Waterfield Price, Oxford Physics
Magneto elastic coupling in 111-BiFeO3 thin-films observed by non-resonant x-ray magnetic diffraction

4.40-4.55 Thomas Scaffidi, Oxford Physics
Large Chern number and edge currents in Sr2RuO4

5.05-5.20 John Gregg, Oxford Physics
Speaking with Spins

5.20-5.35 Zohar Ringel, Oxford Physics
Quantized weak values in a double dot experiment

5.35-5.55 Steve Simon, Oxford Physics
Majoranas: Everything you always wanted to know.

5.55-6.00pm Closing remarks and collection of posters