Oxford Symposium on Quantum Materials 2018

Somerville College, 27 April 2018


Dynamics and Topology in Quantum Materials

8.40-9.00pm Registration and coffee, posters displayed

9.00-9.10pm Paolo Radaelli, Oxford Physics
Welcome and updates on Oxford Quantum Materials

1. Experimental and theoretical advances in quantum matter

9.10-9.40pm Seamus Davis, Cornell University
Discovery and Exploration of the Pair Density Wave State

9.40-10:10pm Phil King, St Andrews’ University
Ubiquitous formation of bulk Dirac cones and topological surface states in transition-metal dichalcogenides

10.10-10.30pm Dieter Jaksch, Oxford Physics
Cavity-mediated electron-photon superconductivity

10.30-11:00pm Coffee break

2. Frustrated Magnetism

11:00-11:30pm Roser Valenti, Goethe University Frankfurt
Field- and Pressure-induced phases in generalized Kitaev models and materials

11.30-11.50pm Michael Hayward, Oxford Chemistry
Magnetic frustration and strong spin-orbit coupling in Fe/Ir double perovskites

11.50-12:10pm Laurent Chapon, Diamond Light Source Ltd
Experimental opportunities at Diamond to explore quantum materials

12.10-2pm Lunch and Posters


3. Topological Aspects of Quantum Matter

2.00-2.25pm Robert Hill, University of Waterloo, Canada
Evidence for neutral quasiparticles in SmB6 from low temperature thermal transport studies

2.25-2.45pm Arzhang Ardavan, Oxford Physics
How to probe the spin contribution to momentum relaxation in topological insulators

2.45-3.05pm Felix Flicker, Oxford Physics
The Gyrotropic Magnetic Effect as a Test for Multifold Fermions in Weyl Semi-Metals

3:05-3:20pm Jian Rui Soh, Oxford Physics
Magnetic order coupled to electronic transport in EuCd2As2 and EuCd2Sb2

4. Magnetism

3.20-3.40pm Paolo Radaelli, Oxford Physics
Breaking symmetry with light: Ultrafast ferroelectricity and magnetism from three-phonon coupling

3.40-3.55pm Liam Duffy, Oxford Physics
Imposing Long-Range Ferromagnetic Order in Rare-Earth Doped Magnetic Topological-Insulator Heterostructures

3.55-4.20pm Coffee and tea break

4:20-4.35pm Franziska Kirschner, Oxford Physics
Proposal for the Detection of Magnetic Monopoles in Spin Ice via Nanoscale Magnetometry

5. Superconductivity, Topology and YIG

4.35-4.50pm Matthew Bristow, Oxford Physics
Exploring superconducting phase diagram of the high-Tc stoichiometric superconductor CaKFe4As4

4.50-5.10pm Jorge Quintanilla, University of Kent/Hubbard Theory Consortium
Time-reversal symmetry breaking in superconductors through loop Josephson-current order

5.10-5.25pm Ziad Melhem, Oxford Instruments
Superconducting and cryogenics environments for quantum materials and devices

5.25-5.40pm Andrew Princep, Oxford Physics
The Final Chapter in the Saga of YIG

5.40-6:00pm Siddharth Parameswaran, Oxford Physics
Challenges and opportunities in understanding correlated topological matter

6:00-6.10pm Closing remarks and collection of posters

After meeting chats
6.10-6.30 pm Royal Oak Pub (Woodstock Road)